About SAPA


Polo tournaments for SUPA Alumni

SAPA is the stepping stone between School & University Polo and Club Polo. It encourages players to continue to play polo between school/university and joining a Polo Club and or to play with friends made during their time at university/school.

School leavers aged 18 and above may move their membership over to SAPA during their gap year, until they enrol at University.  If you are a school student who is not going to University you can play in SAPA teams at SUPA organised University Tournaments.

SAPA sub-committee

Luke Sandys-Renton – Chair

Alec Banner-Eve

Chloe Butlin

Please contact them if you wish to play SAPA before entering.

Luke Sandys-Renton – luke.sandys-renton@supa.org.uk

Alec Banner-Eve – Alecbeve@gmail.com

Chloe Butlin – chloe@silverleyspolo.com




Great prizes, love my hoodie.
Junior School
SUPA gave me an opportunity to discover a sport I love, regardless of riding experience.
University of Brighton
My child arrived as an indvidual and left as a team player.
Thank you for a well run and fun event at Rugby Polo Club. Our daughter loved it.
One of the best things I've ever done, I've loved every second of University Polo.
SUPA Sponsors

We appreciate the support given to us by our sponsors.

Find out more about sponsorship

If you would like to become involved with SUPA please contact Administration@supa.org.uk for more information.