General News


Posted: 31st May 2024

As you all will be aware, the weather this year has meant that many equestrian events have been cancelled.
After a pitch inspection at Offchurch Bury Polo Club, the ground has been found to be too wet so we are relocating to Rugby Polo Club at the Onley Grounds International pitches, with a contingency of using the arenas should the weather not be good enough.
Please note, the Beginner pitch will be lined, not boarded.
Rugby Polo Club have excellent infrastructure on site so nothing else should change.
Rugby will run the campsite and players’ party which will be carried over from those of you who have already bought your tickets for these, if not, you should still buy these tickets on the existing link. There will still be showers and toilets for your use too, also Rugby Polo Club have a Social Calendar of evening events will be sent out soon.
Rugby Polo Club is busy constructing more paddocks and will have stables available if anyone needs them.
For any horse hirers who are having ponies dropped off, please let Phil if you require pony lines for the event. Please contact the Rugby Polo Club office directly at
Please note that other than the venue nothing else has changed, there should be no upheaval so any dropouts at this stage will forfeit their entries and may be fined.
We are very grateful to Rugby Polo Club for agreeing to host the event at short notice. We want everyone to have a great experience and we look forward to seeing you next week!
If you were unable to attend the Zoom meeting, please email and it will be sent to you.